
Business Locations 0 0

Last updated on Apr 03, 2024 20:53 in Admin Panel » Settings
Posted BySero Support

Be default every license comes with one business location. You may purchase additional business locations by going to https://seropos.app/subscription and scroll down to Additional Location (https://seropos.app/subscription/46/pay). Make sure that you are logged in with the correct user id for the business in which you want to add another location. Each location is mapped with the business id. So if you log in with a wrong business and add a location then it will add to that business. 

Click on Settings and go to Business Locations. Here it will show all your business locations. 

Edit Business Location:

Click on Edit button to make any changes to your business location:

Please put the name of the location that you want in all Reports. You may put your Business Name with City to identify each store in the reports. 

Timezone: It is very important to choose the correct timezone for each location for reporting.

Top Banner images: These images will appear as Top Banner Slider on your e-commerce store if you have purchased that module 

Middle Banner Images: These images will appear as Sliders in the middle pf page (Coupons, Deals, Discounts) on your e-commerce store if you have purchased that module 

Email to send reports: Enter the email id where you want to receive Daily Sales Report automatically emailed to you. 

Time to send report: Enter the time at which you want to receive the daily sales report. Choose a time after your store closing time. 

Location ID: This is auto generated by the system when you create a location. DO NOT CHANGE LOCATION ID. 

Address, Phone, Email :  Fill all the information as desired.

Payment Options:

Select all payments options under POS that you want to show up on your POS App. Select all the payment options under Catalogue that you want to show on your e-commerce site if you have subscribed to that Module. 

Do not make any changes in Location Settings. 

** The time is base on America/New_York timezone